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VAT/GST treatment of digitised services across the Asia Pacific region - Lachlan Wolfers
24 October, 2014
The VAT/SGT implications of digital supplies - Stephen Coleclough
Destination-based Consumption Taxation for Digital Services based on Proposals of the Japanese Government - Yoshihiko Nakanishi
Tax treaties and the OECD/G 20 anti-BEPS Action Plan - Guy GEST
15 October, 2015
Taxpayer Charter Project - David Russell
Rule of Law and Japanese Tax Law - Hiroshi Kaneko
International Taxation in Japan - Minoru NAKAZATO
Tax Education Promoted by Tax Professionals
Social Contribution Activities Promoted by CPTAs Taxpayer Education - JFCPTAA
16 October, 2015
Tax Education by Korean Tax Professionals - Junho KO