GTAP Joint Opinion Statements
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Opinion Statement on the OECD Consultation on Draft Report on Tax Morale
01 January, 1970
Opinion Statements FC 4a-4f/2016 on the OECD final Recommendations on BEPS Actions 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 12 and 14 of 5 October 2015
01 October, 2015
Opinion Statement FC 4/2016 on the OECD BEPS Final Recommendations of 5 October 2015
01 October, 2016
Opinion Statement FC 11/2015 on the revised OECD Discussion Draft on Preventing Tax Treaty Abuse (BEPS Action 6)
01 November, 2014
Joint Opinion Statement FC 8/2015 on strengthening controlled foreign company rules (BEPS Action 3)
01 May, 2015
Joint Opinion Statement FC 7/2015 and PAC 1/2015 on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (BEPS Action 12)
01 July, 2015
Joint Opinion Statement FC 3/2015 on making dispute resolution mechanisms more effective (BEPS Action 14)
01 March, 2015
Joint Opinion Statement FC 2/2015 on the OECD Discussion Draft “Follow-up work on BEPS Action 6: Preventing treaty abuse”
01 February, 2015
Joint Opinion Statement FC 1/2015 on the OECD 2014 Public Discussion Draft on Preventing the Artificial Avoidance of PE Status (BEPS Action 7)
01 January, 2015